So. People. One person just drank my soda. My special soda that I brought up for myself. I even offered to bring another drink for that certain person. But said person did not jump at the chance.
But whatever. Now that I am done with that short rant, let's start another one. As I have earlier stated, I am not a people person. I'm not saying all people are bad, but most of them tend to annoy me. Examples:
1. People who don't care about anyone but themselves.
2. People who don't try new things.
3. People who don't know when enough is enough.
4. People who always need to be the victim.
5. People who always have to be the center of attention.
6. Liars.
7. Cheaters.
8. People who steal other peoples special soda. (You know who you are.)
9. Stupid people.
10. Smart people. Like overly smart people where when they start talking you wish they had never started because you know they are the cause of your sudden pulsing headache.
11. Boring people.
12. Fakers. The people who fake stuff for attention.
13. People who won't shut up.
14. People who won't make eye contact. They seem sketchy.
15. People who think they are better than everybody.
And that's just the beginning of the list. And because I don't know what to say to end this post I will say SKADOOOOOOSH(: