So. First post. At first I thought I should post one of my lengthy, deep, emotional, dramatic, however you want to put it, stories. But then I decided against it. So my first post will simply be an "about me" type thing. Here goes:
Me- Being completely honest, I am not a people person. Basically, I am kind of an introvert. I like being alone a little more often than the normal person. Usually, I take my alone time, however much I can get, and use it to think, write, or draw. Maybe all three. Now, don't get me wrong. I love spending time with people. People I love of course. I hate war. Frankly, I don't understand it at all. I say everyone should get along with everyone. Childish and improbable request I know. I can't stand people who don't appreciate the little things in life. Like good weather or when the lid of your pudding comes off in one try. I've learned that enjoying random things like that can make you an overall happier person.
That's all that I can really think of right now. So that was the short version of what I am all about(: